Friday 29 June 2012

Assignments over for a while

Felt a long time coming but finally all deadlines are complete. Feeling good and happy! Been very exhausted and had little time to add to this blog. Will look to continue once I return to my studies.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Post 15: Minuchin & Narrative - an interesting read

Expert taken from 'Where's the Family in Narrative Therapy' Journal of Marital and Family Therapy

Volume 24, Issue 4, pages 397–403, October 1998.

"Practitioners share a penchant for a therapy of questions, on the assumption that questions are more respectful of the patient’s own framework than are comments, interpretations, or prescriptions. The social concern for liberating people from the dominant discourses that marginalize them leads these therapists to minimize therapists’ statements of expertise - to taking a stance of “not knowing.” Paralleling the social constructionist acceptance of diversity and multiculturalism, their interventions are oriented toward increasing diversity in the internalized voices of the patients. Unfortunately, in my view, that focus decreases attention to the patterns of interaction presently being played out by family members. "

Minuchins view here is fundamentally that contemporary approaches are missing the interactions between family members. The title of the article leads me to question more about how family interactions are indeed considered in todays therapeutic culture.

As a framework, deconstructing beliefs and cultural constraints etc is a sound approach - yet in my view, practically more applicable in a quiet, reflexive, patient manner and not in a volatile risk covert home or clinic based situation.

Minuchin & Structural therapy weighs in with lots of ideas that 'reality' does not exist and instead clients should be walked to alternative patterns of thinking & behaving - nothing new in our contemporary approaches then.

My view is it is the job of the therapist to judge what is required. It seem heretic to apply just a hermeneutic approach to all clients. A therapist working with a client 'taking with out consent' or 'joyriding' on a weekly basis may find themselves judging that a family need re-balancing before being curious about what holds them to their beliefs.

Perhaps "first order" CHANGE has been lost as the second order and third order APPROACHES come in to play. Many will have been tempted to offer solutions based on their 'common sense' (..or considering family of origin, aspects of self, inner dialogue etc etc), yet careful not to direct their 'power' on to others. Having worked in services that value first order changes, I can vouch for richer conversations about experiences rather than fear of experiences,

Having just read part of a CMM article, I like the following piece.

"Practical theories are intended to inform patterns of practice that make life better and are judged according to the pragmatic criterion of utility as opposed to an epistemic criterion of truth "

Barge, K. Articulating CMM as Practical Theory. Human Systems: The Journal of Systemic Consultation & Management.Volume No 15, issue X, 2044

Contemporary approaches....or perhaps the students, practitioners and trainees of..... have seemed to move in to this 'not knowing' position which in itself seems to hint at a criterion of truth....."I cannot assume....I must seem curious...I do not understand their experience" for instance. Following the above musing by Barge, I am more comfortable than ever to work in a systemic way and use some counter cultural approaches to guide my work, whilst reflexively using my work to inform my approaches - surely one of the most important tenants of systemic practice.


Sunday 8 April 2012

Post 14: CMM basics

Having to start an assignment on CMM and read the Cronen and Pearce handbook on using CMM, along with an article by Bruss on using CMM to understand more on Obesity (Mozhdeh B. Bruss, Joseph R. Morris, Linda L. Dannison, Mark P. Orbe, Jackie A. Quitugua & Rosa T. Palacios (2005): Food, Culture, and Family: Exploring the Coordinated Management of Meaning Regarding Childhood Obesity, Health Communication, 18:2, 155-175).

So far I find it reasonable user friendly so far. In my place of work I am taught to observe a) The context of conversations b) the process within the room c) Content & language of the conversation. The order of these may vary as they come in to focus but by enlarge, I am focussed on context & process.

CMM seems to take suggest this approach to communication and encourages clinicians to observe the context of the conversation and messages there within. Hopefully many a Supervision on detailed analysis of my work (conversations context, process and language) has prepared me for the task of understanding CMM.

The next challenge seems to be how is this applied? Is it an over arching broadbrush in which I operate? Do I share the theory with clients to help loosen their constructed contraints? Are there interventions within CMM to be used. Does it apply strictly to social constructionist theories or in more interventive approaches (MST, Family Functioning ala Tom Sexton?).

CMM seems to have cross overs to understanding the Domain theory of parenting (Discipline, Attachment, Exploratory, Safety).

More to come on all this....

Friday 16 March 2012

post 13. Assignment finished. Circularity

Having written a 10 minute transcript (always takes much longer than you think), analysing it and placing it within a systemic orientation, it is now finished.

My broad take on circularity was exposed as I read in increasing detail the philosophical view of circularity. My usual style of 'circular questioning' succeeded in having family members comment on other relationships or action, but has not had the deeper understanding of a circular process. My aims are now to take this forward with gusto! I intend to sit back and have that circular posture, that there are moments of information that a therapist can spot and re-feedback in to the therapist/family system. These 'blips' as I refer them as, are moments of offerings the family give a therapist ("I think my son punches my daughter because....." and moments of offerings from a therapist to a family (" who would be able to make a best guess to why you punch your sister?". It is far more skill full than I have given it credit for. Having transcribed 10 minutes and spent up to 20 hours analysing it, I formed very creative questions....something I worry about as I need to do it almost immediately preceding a 'blip' within session.

The Milan team made a quick shift to social constructionism, something I was not familiar with. Particularly Cecchin (Cecchin, G. (1992). Constructing therapeutic possibilities. In Therapy as social construction(ed. S. McNamee, Gergen, K.J.), pp. 86-95. Sage: London). This chapter is well worth a read and I want to give it more time myself rather than taking key bits for the purpose of my assignment. Briefly, Cecchin described how the movement in to co-constructing different perspectives gradually occurred. Their adherence to systems theory and strategic interventions disappeared as they placed emphasis on content and communication.

Currently my knowledge of CMM is poor, but I guess the Cecchin paper is alluding to the higher levels of communication that occur in families. More to come on that...!

Another assignment down. Maybe a short weekend break then best keep on top of this work.

Monday 12 March 2012

Post 12: Circularity - revisited

Thinking I'm hilarious by using 'revisited' like the Milan team. Anyway - a long day of catching up on the concept of circularity for the purpose of an essay. Far more in-depth as a concept that a technique as I came to realise.

Karl Tomm papers (Interventive Interviewing, Fam Proc 27:1-15, 1988) , looked at how the concept can be functional within session.

After reading these, I looked over Burnham AMT which has a similar statement - ie orientate yourself to a posture/intention. It's a really useful way to begin viewing your questions in the hope to refine, improve as, as Tomm says, the process becomes natural to the therapist.

As my confusion over collaborative approach continues I again ask, how does this fit in to collaborative work (less so Burnham, more so Tomm)?

Enough for tonight 1pm-8pm is a long days studying.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Post 11: Where's the technique in Collaborative

Firstly - It's been a while since I have written on here. The demands from the course has upped and increasingly I find myself preparing and analysing sessions, revising, re-reading, re-familiarising myself with literature, preparing presentations and completing research assignments. Time and space for sleeping eating and seeing people outside of the MSc and work is limited - time to blog is therefore much shorter!

Currently I have to analyse a ten-minute segment of video, transcript it, and focus upon techniques I have used within session. From my shift away from agency level interventions (using say, structural techniques), it has become necessary for me to use different approaches that cause to step blindly in to a session, and at this stage, still unclear what 'techniques' I have used. My past three sessions have been under the paradigm of collaborative but for the purpose of the assignment I have no idea what techniques I have used! Sure, I have formed my questions based upon the feedback of the family, and remained un-assuming (not knowing) and excluding any narrative techniques (social constructionist re hermeneutics) I may have added to a session I cannot write 2500 on collaborative techniques, even though my session was (based on supervisor feedback) a session with major collaborative intent!

Sunday 29 January 2012

Post 10 - Content vs Process

Structural, Strategic, Systemic (Milan) - all have similarities according to Heather Hayes (Re-Introduction to Family Therapy Clarification of The Schools) A.N.Z. Fam Ther 1991, Vol 12 No 1, pp 27-43.
All 'school's have similarities in how they view the emergence of a 'problem'. They see the problem emergence as synonymous with a transitional period in family life. They also see inflexibility, rigidity, old beliefs as informing a family's attempted solutions to problems, focus on present not the future, change rules/beliefs, use language to help change beliefs and pattern of interactions (e.g. relabelling or reframing), therapist adopts views of family, but with another alternative view.

Most interesting for me is that Heather Hayes suggests process is emphasised above content. This is certainly my current stance. In a service that encourage process shifts, I may be finding the observation of language (as per my current understanding of Collaborative) difficult to tap in to. 

Am I then still a first order therapist? What needs to change for me to become more contemporary (second/third order)?

Firstly, I am excited at having noticed where I stand. I have alluded to hesitance to 'jump' over the many years in which FT tried to find it's feet and automatically become contemporary. Hoffman, beautifully describes her own path to being contemporary and how over time she rejected/built upon, traditional approaches to then help her own 'aha!' moments, and transition herself in to a new way of thinking.
Secondly, I have no idea if that will come for me! I am staunchly an interventionist, however I do enjoy exploring the language and beliefs of clients. Partly I am genuinely interested (nosey?) in peoples history, and partly introducing more exploration of language in to my practice. I've yet to offer an direct intervention nor be intentionally strategic.

Ok, a long way to go I know, but I'm eager to become that 'great' therapist that colleagues refer difficult cases to!

Saturday 28 January 2012

Post 9 - Feeling tired

Currently learning a new model in work which demands strict adherence to the model of the service. My role does not allow time for that so I've had to take some work home with me (including, space to digest sessions, new family's, observations, interactions, use of language etc and write up of notes, planning calendar, finding time for sessions and time for supervision etc).

So 7am-8am is taken up with work related travel, sessions and admin, yet I have MSc work that I then need to complete, think about, digest, plan, organise etc. Currently this is proving 'impossible' (used losely as I have history of invalidating other people's use of the word!).

So, starting annual leave in which I can concentrate on MSc work - I would much prefer time away or in a pub or watching DVD's, or playing football - but systemic thinking it is!!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Post 8: Harlene Anderson: Historical Influences

Harlene tracks some of the early influences to her post modern and collaborative way of working.

Some key points I take from this:

Ø  Anderson practised at the Galveston group.

Ø  MIT team (Multiple Impact Theory) - short term therapy in which member of the team conversed with various member of the family, sharing (never rejecting) differing opinions on illness, problem, aetiology etc.

Ø  team principals around i) human creativity was boundless ii) understand differing points of view iii) team models communication

Ø  Influenced by Bateson & Jackson & MRI research in to communication.

Ø  interest in language was from a hermeneutic perspective and later a social constructionist perspective

Ø  'learn to speak the clients language'

o   encourages therapist to be genuinely interested in clients stories

o   families themselves did no have a language, no consensus was a resource

o   listen differently and speak to one person at a time

o   inter professional talk became language of the client

o   mutual enquiry encourages clients to enquire, think about their own lives

o   no longer needed intervention s ( but Anderson suggests the intervention ideas could be used as a resource)

o   no longer stay behind mirror

Ø  Onion Theory –

o   No longer inflexible layers to systems, , therapists are part of system, not outside.

o   one risk is therefore pathology is bumped up a level, pathology still encouraged.

o    Systems now viewed as ecosystemic, flexible

o    'evolutionary systems' - non lineal, self-organising, self-recursive, constant state of change

o    helps view process rather than change

o    therapists cannot therefore have any unilateral control over a family

o   System therefore seen as people convening over a relevance (i.e. a problem) which once the relevance dissolves so can the system.

How does Harlene experience collaborative as cost effective? For me, the idea of introducing first order change in a direct way, for some clients can introduce difference, or the sense of difference expediently.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Post 7: Training

How can one begin to learn about contemporary approaches without prior rejection or accepting of other approaches? I want to remain cautious not to join in the cultural shift towards contemporary FT without practising more traditional approaches. Solution Focussed was once contemporary after all, I don;t want to reject it based on chronicity, but instead (if indeed I do) reject it based on experience of and personal application of it's core principals. Therefore, would MSc Trainees not therefore be better trained by purposely practicing all approaches? With issues of power, it feels rocky ground for me to practice approaches (say Strategic), but clinicians across time have practiced this, some felt less comfortable and therefore other new ways of thinking have emerged. I don't want to skip this transition of thinking, can I not squeeze 60 odd years of FT into 2 years?!

Post 6: Another case

Go the go ahead to case manage another case through 16-19 team. Mother and adolescent child. Initial consult (in which I have heard second hand), indicated they are in conflict in response to childs physical and social difficulties.

I don't like formulating at any stage, it feels like a game of guess who and takes for ever to pontificate about a truth that doesn't exist. If I was to humour myself, at this very very early stage (I haven't met them yet!!) then

1. Late adolescence, moving into adulthood
2. Quite restrictive disability
3. Client is disabled but able enough to function (often an usual category in which, in my experience, people are teased a little more rather than being protected due to an unfortunate disability)
4. Lifestyle decisions to be made
5. Independence, feeling the nest

I'm going to stop! I'm just commenting on every possible indicator of conflict - whats the point!
I'll save my judgements and listen to the family!

Post 5: Learning Models

I want to be a martyr for a moment. Having requested to case manage in a strict hierarchical service, the director has given a great opportunity and I am case managing. OK, no big deal, everyone reading this are likely to be case managing, but I perceive I have this 'junior' tag on me within my service - I run the risk this tag becomes permanent. Having worked with the senior staff for 10 years, I hope they are endeared to my development but I cannot help but think they are instead only ever viewing me as the 21 year old thrown in to the deep end of a Tier 4 fostering service. I faced it head on but rookie mistakes and a few mistakes made by inexperience and I wander how different they would view me if I walked through their door now as a 31 year old trainee FT.

Anyhow, I am now case managing one client in my service (whilst simultaneously case managing in FT clinic and having case managed in a local CAMHS setting). Part of clinican development is to learn about the 'model'. Having worked 10 years I assumed I knew it back to front and begrudgingly accepted my Outlook invite to 4 hours model training.

Through the training I was constantly introduced to new-ness. The different service provisions that the States have to offer their populations and model fidelity they expect of their clinicians. You work in a functional family therapy service as a clinician and there is no meandering off course. You assess just one population (say OCD), and assess only their OCD. You work with families and you are direct, work is time limited, phased, multi-model under same conceptual framework with a lot of weight placed on first order change.

This sounds great! It's a model that I experience having worked wanders with very stuck cases in Britain. Yet, I'm wading through mud and fumbling to excavate my own paths in family therapy and it's hard going. I need to keep the service director sweet and work just how the model depicts, and be kind to my own learning and not nail my colours to the mast too early and risk not learning contemporary models, approaches and techniques in favour of a very successful service model.

A reframe---? Perhaps I am in the ideal position to reflect, scrutinise and unpick what is your British child mental health service and what is your American model mental health service.

More to come on this!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Post 4: The Milan Method - Quo vadi, Elsa Jones, Jour of Fam Ther 101: 325-338 (1988)

Notes from the article...

Ø  Centro per lo Studia Della Famiglia – early publishings around 1978

Ø  Group splits up (Pallazoli, Cecchin, Prata, Boscolo) circa 1984

Ø  Centro Milanese per lo Studia della Famiglia – Boscolo & Cecchin teach

Ø  The Nuovo Centro per lo Studia Della Famiglia

Ø  Boscolo & Cechhin = co create new story through questions

Ø  Stimulate a new way of thinking

Ø  Palazzoli & Prata – more concerned with systemic functions that hold homeostasis. Searches for observable and classifiable patterns

Ø  Schismogensis - ? something about change occurs when restraining elements are removed

Ø  See Bateson 1958 – re Iatmul Tribe

Ø  Original group maintain cohesion due to complimentary differences (Palazzoli energetic vs Boscolo coolness)

Ø  Positive feedback which yielded more of the same behaviour created distance and change (instability, change in equilibrium) and therefore the team became further separated.

Ø  Colapinto 1985 – Boscolo, Cecchin are too indifferent and will maintain status quo if remain this way

Ø  Palazzoli and Prata – too authoritive, negatively connote families

Ø  Exploration rather than research.

This is Elas Jones' take on the Milan team. I like the way she applies Batesonian ideas around schismogensis, complentarity, change, disequilibrium to explain how and possibly why the Milan team went different ways.
I'm not sure how others are to see the Milan team - is it assumed their differences led to a falling out? Are they in touch? Do they respect each others work? Are they in direct opposition? Either way, Elsa Jones views it in the perspective of systemic work being ever changing alla the ethos of systemic work and the team being one stepping stone amongst many.

Post 3: Cancelled Family session

These hours in clinic kills me. I'm all excited and feeling ready to go in to the systemic space and I get to hear my family have cancelled. Fair reason and a family I feel can be easily rearranged. I therefore have to find an exercise to do with my colleagues.

Last week the same happend. I used 4 descriptions of questions (Reflexive, Linear, Strategic and Circular) as proposed by Karl Tomm *. I asked my group to role play my family and spent approx 15 minutes thinking as a Lineal purist, a Reflexive purist etc. The exercise went down well, so this week how do I trump it??

In fact we did a new exercise. Polarise "Agree" & " Disagree" - using labels on the floor. Then pick out statements from a pack of cards e.g. "Arranged marriages have greater success" and place where on the scale you fit - Disagree, Agree or somewhere in between. Each discuss, differ, argue for/against and just introduce the sense that its good to thrash out differences. The exercise was done warm heartedly and it got the old grey matter working.

* Interventive Interviewing: Part 111. Intending to Ask Lineal, Circular, Strategic or Reflexive Questions? Fam Poc 27:1-15 1988
* The effect of Tomm's Therapeutic Questioning Styles on Therapeutic Alliance: A Clinical Analog Study. Fam Process 37: 189 -200, 1998. Dozier, Hicks, Cornille, Peterson

Saturday 7 January 2012

The cybernetics of physical illness. Barry Dym. Fam Proc 26: 35,48 1987

Based on General Systems Theory, Batesonian ideas of systems and feedback loops. I've just finished reading this paper as part of an online exam I have.

I understand the basis gist being - a medical model considering only causal and effects of a symptom is too linear, one must consider biopsychosocial impacts and recursive cycles.

However some points I wanted to explore

1. What does equipotentiality of functions mean? I understand it to mean, in the context of systemic thinking, that one action, say the behaviour of one person, can be replaced by the similar behaviour of someone else, thus maintain the status quo. An anxious Dad of a child with ME who gets distracted by his dying father, may then be replaced by an anxious Mum.

2. This paper made me think about 'symptoms'. Once we try and remove a physical symptom, according to Dym theory, then potentially a recursive pattern of family interaction remain. Having 'outcome measures' and specific symptom screening tools are perhaps only indicators of the symptom and by applying this theory, as family therapists how would we formulate or identify other areas of measurement? How would one know when the recursive pattern has ceased for an appropriate amount of time?

3. Some of the interventions Dym hints at seem quite strategic and paradoxical. The theory is a useful framework of which I will try and make use of, though unsure how strategic I will be with it. How about being strategic and open with this? A new way of introducing paradox and strategic work which has, in the past yielded great examples of success (see Hoffman, an Intimate Portrayal, page 13-14 where she gives examples from Erikson and Haley).

4. This is making me think about current cases I have now. I may be consciously focused on eradicating the symptom (albeit not physical in one case, and in another a physical symptom is present). So scanning the entire field may be of use in my practice.

5. Dym may have been talking about Externalisation to some extent when he talks about separating the symptom from the cycle in which it's embedded. At the same time he is careful not to give the impression that the symptom is then seen in isolation - the latter being different from my understanding of externalising.

Friday 6 January 2012

first post

I'm four months in to training as a systemic family therapist. I'm studying at Leeds University, England. I wanted to share my experiences, the ups and the downs, the struggles and acheivements of training. I feel its one way to also get my thoughts and reflections down on 'paper', and hopefully chew the fat with other trainees across the globe.